• Welcome to St. James' Parish Glenmore.

    "Before you speak it is necessary for you to listen, For God speaks in the silence of the heart"

  • All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with Fr. O' Toole.


    The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.

  • Mass Times

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    Saturday 29th March 7pm

    Joseph Aylward,Kilivory

    Maudy Mernagh, Jamestown

    Sunday 30th March 11am

    Denis & Peggy O' Dwyer, Ballyverneen & Deceased Members of the Forristal Family Ballyverneen

    John O' Shea, Haggard.

    Monday 31st March 10am

    Tuesday 1st April 10am

    Wednesday 2nd April 10am

    Thursday 3rd April 10am

    Friday 4th April 9.30am

    Holy Hour 7 - 8pm

    Saturday 5th April

    11am TLM

    Vigil Mass 7pm

    Richard Dunphy, Ballyfacey.

    Nora & Mary Dunphy, Ballyfacey

    Sunday 6th April 11am

    Richard Dunphy, Ballyfacey

    Nora & Mary Dunphy, Ballyfacey.

    Margaret "Peggy" Kehoe, Rochestown and Deceased Members of the Kehoe Family Rochestown.

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    God of love, listen to our prayer for Mothers’ Day. We celebrate all mothers and grandmothers on this day. We remember the great mothers of salvation history: Sarah, mother of Isaac; Rebecca, mother of Jacob; Ruth, mother of King David; Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, and especially Mary, Mother of Jesus whom we call Christ.

    Bless all mothers with strength of spirit, and with love and laughter in the company of family and friends. Grant them happiness and joy at home. Help us to remember how our mothers helped us to stand and walk; to speak, to sing, and to pray.

    Bless the mothers who have gone before us into eternity May they enjoy the vision of God in heaven. We ask that this blessing and all graces may descend upon mothers and grandmothers: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen


    View our Current Parish Newsletter here.

    Newsletter for 30th 2025

  • Glenmore Parish Mass streaming service.

    Weekday masses will be streamed live at 10.00 am

    The 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday of the month at 7.00 pm

    Every Sunday at 11.00 am


    The Divine Mercy Prayer's will also be live streamed on webcam and will be available on the handset directly after 10.00 am mass on Wednesday 's


  • Donate

    Your support of our parish is greatly appreciated and many thanks to all who contribute but if you feel you would like to contribute to our parish. Please contact our Parish Office to register for envelopes which facilitate regular contributions to our parish. Alternatively contributions by standing order can be arranged.

    Currently the main sources of income into Parish Funds is derived from weekly envelope collection and the offertory basket collection at Mass / First Sunday door collection. All of this money is lodged to the Parish account and is used for the day to day running expenses / upkeep of Parish Hall, Car Park, Church and Graveyard.




  • St James' Parish Glenmore

    Charity Reg No. 20015831


    Located in South Kilkenny in the Diocese of Ossory.

    The Parish Church is dedicated to St James the Apostle.


    Parish Priest: Very Rev, Thomas O' Toole

    Parochial House, Glenmore Via Waterford, Co. Kilkenny

    Mobile: 087 2240787, Email: tm5-tle@hotmail.com


    All bookings for funerals, weddings, baptism and anniversary masses must be made directly with

    Fr. O' Toole.


    The sick and house bound of the Parish are visited by Fr. O' Toole on the first Friday of every month. Should anyone wish to be added to this list please contact Fr O' Toole to arrange.


    Baptisms Saturday at 5.00pm and Sunday at 11.00am

    Confessions after 7.00 pm mass every 1st and 3rd Saturday evening.